2 definitions by Dfhhgjdgjh
The nickname for a smart person. When you call them over you have “googled” them. They are addicted to helping you get the best score possible and will do all the work for you without realizing.
by Dfhhgjdgjh February 14, 2019
Dexters are very smart, kind caring, and compassionate people. They are sadly despised, but once you get to know them they are great. They are also sporty and can run like a devil. They are control freaks that will yell at you if you do something wrong, but will give you a million compliments if you do a good job. They are also neat and tidy and draw everything with a ruler. They are a little odd at times, but that is because they are insecure about themselves. They make great boyfriends and are to die for in bed. Finally, they can be a little bit of a put down, but if you love them they will return it ten fold.
by Dfhhgjdgjh October 19, 2018