3 definitions by Deloa

It’s not pronounced “chilay” it’s “chile” like your saying Kyle but it’s ch instead
Person 1: chilay anyways so-
Person 2: it’s chile not chilay you uncultered swine
by Deloa May 12, 2022
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The very handsome and hot man with a huge cock and massive balls. Everyone loves him and wants to be him. He’s incredibly hot and intelligent aswell. Everyone needs a Deloa in their life. Del like in bell but with a d and o like in oh and a like in Ah. He’s incredibly good at sex and once you see him you’ll have a hard time being in love with anyone else,liek a curse
Lexx: Omg is that Deloa
Brook: he’s so fucking hot
Seam: I wanna fuck him like hawks
by Deloa May 13, 2022
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A handsome hot sexy man people wanna fuck due to his 12 inch dick
Deloa is pog
by Deloa May 13, 2022
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