2 definitions by Definitely Not Nike

An awesome, beautiful girl who wants nothing from the world around her but her friends and peace, she is the best person you can find in your life. Once you find a Bella Gilmore, you should never let her go. Ever.
Bella Gilmore: *exists*

by Definitely Not Nike November 17, 2019
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Coleton is LITERALLY the definition of the perfect human being. His stunning outside layer is just the beginning of the journey, if you're lucky enough to get close to him. He can draw you in like a moth to a flame, and its up to him whether to scar you for your entire life or become the light of your entire life. He is incredible on the outside and the inside, and you'll find yourself wanting to tell him your entire life story, wanting to share every bit of your existence with him.
Coleton: Exists

God: And that, everyone, is my masterpiece
by Definitely Not Nike May 12, 2020
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