3 definitions by Defensor
A sexual position between two males in which a man slices his dick open, and then sews the tip back together. At that point, male number 2 will slip his dick inside the still bleeding opening in man number one's penis.
by Defensor May 21, 2010
In Mario Maker, an anti-softlock is a particularly potent, enraging mechanism to troll a player - by giving them a way to die, while making it as difficult as possible to obtain the sweet release of death.
Typically, anti-softlocks will only be utilized after a player has obtained a checkpoint, meaning that if the player were to restart the level, they would have to play through the entire level again. Thus, the player feels compelled to complete the anti-softlock, diminishing their sanity in the process.
Typically, anti-softlocks will only be utilized after a player has obtained a checkpoint, meaning that if the player were to restart the level, they would have to play through the entire level again. Thus, the player feels compelled to complete the anti-softlock, diminishing their sanity in the process.
by Defensor April 20, 2020
A type of bullshit above and beyond your ordinary, everyday bullshit. Typically used to refer to false claims and absurd notions.
by Defensor February 18, 2019