2 definitions by Dave Blyth

The greatest of all nations on this earth; Britain has contributed so much to the world today as we know it. Also arguably one of the most belligerent nations, having had conflicts with France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Argentina, itself (i.e England against Scotland) and Ireland (to name only a few!) during its long and fascinating history. Many nations around the world have a real dislike of Britain, due to its resounding successes, a clear example of this being France. Britain invented ALL of the world's best sports; these include football (the real version), cricket, rugby and golf. The unrivalled leader of the ENGLISH speaking world, Britain has seen its native tongue corrupted by Americans and Australians amongst others. Although the era has passed when Britain ruled almost half of the world's population, its forever remains the benchmark for every country on all of the six continents.
Britain: need I say more?
by Dave Blyth July 15, 2005
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A person connected in any way with north London outfit Arsenal. Many campaigns have been fought for the name to be changed to 'London French' due to the team's large Gallic contingent. Their main rivals in London are Tottenham and Chelsea, although many Gooners hate Man Utd with equal venom.
I hate those Gooner scum.
by Dave Blyth July 15, 2005
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