4 definitions by Darth Bob

AS3 stands for Animation Shop 3, a highly popular GIF animation software created by Jasc.

AS3's 30 day trial is very easy to get around by turning your computer clock back a few days.
Person: I just bought AS3 to go with my Paint Shop Pro!
Person 2: Silly fool, you could have just turned your computer clock back!
by Darth Bob March 27, 2005
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1. A type of mushroom.
2. Cover up word for 'shit'.
1. "Yum, I love shittake mushrooms!"
2. Person 1: Oh shit...
Person 2: What?!
Person 1: ...take mushrooms
Person 2. Oh.
by Darth Bob December 12, 2004
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1. Ignorant.
2. On Yahoo!, 'ignored'
1. My friends are iggie bitches.
2. Person 1: Wanna fuck?
Person 2: Just iggie him.
by Darth Bob January 12, 2005
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Also kiddie crack.

Another name for Fun Dip, a powdered candy that is basically flavored sugar. Such named because of the high feeling one might get after consuming so much sugar.
I had seven packs of sour Kiddy Crack and couldn't see straight.
by Darth Bob March 27, 2005
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