6 definitions by Danmagnet

An amalgamation of twat and faggot which isn't technically offensive but has the same effect as an insult to someone who knows what it means.
You are such a twaggot.
by Danmagnet January 18, 2005
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Slang term school kids use for a cigarette to avoid being caught by teachers. Can be coupled with marsh and starsh.
I'm going down the copse for some iranos.

Got any iranos and starsh?
by Danmagnet January 19, 2005
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1) A very fit person, ie someone very attractive.

2) A sarcastic take on the word fit. The original word fit means someone attractive whereas "fitoss" means someone who is very ugly. In essence, it is reverse psychology.
(Person's name) is fitoss.
by Danmagnet January 15, 2005
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A male witch with long hair, dresses like an American Football coach and may well be a lesbian.
Yo! Wassup Pezza Trezza the Lezza?
by Danmagnet January 18, 2005
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Used as an insult to someone who is unpopular, primarily used towards skaters.
"Look at those skaters, they're bait"
by Danmagnet January 18, 2005
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Slang term school kids use for cigarettes to avoid being caught smoking. Can be coupled with iranos and marsh.
Got any starsh?

I'm going down the copse for an iranos and starsh.
by Danmagnet January 19, 2005
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