2 definitions by DaMenke

Calm under pressure, self-assured, all-knowing, all-seeing, seeker of wisdom and truth, a Dennis stands out in any gathering--not through loud, attention-grabbing tactics, but rather through an animated glow that is unmistakable. All living things love a Dennis because they sense a communal, loving nature. Even trees lean towards a Dennis that is in their presence. In short, a Dennis is an invaluable, yet humble presence that should be quietly worshipped.
It was just another ordinary day, that is until a Dennis showed up!
by DaMenke August 12, 2013
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To be exceedingly snobbish}; to have an overbearing sense of entitlement
Richie Rich over there really thinks he's above it all. He's as tifted as can be.
by DaMenke September 15, 2018
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