1 definition by DEATHRINGER_007

It comes to Nimalans naturally as they are born with all the charm. These individuals are extremely charming and a bit flirty. Your friendly and charming nature makes you incredibly attractive to others.

Great Listener
You soak up all the ideas and information around you like a big brainy sponge. You hate conflicts and confrontations and so prefer to listen most of the time. You always watch your words while communicating and mostly talk in a way that no one gets hurt. Also, you listen to everyone’s side of the story before making decisions so that you can come up with fair decision

These individuals are known for having logical minds and a fair judgment. They strive for fairness and justice constantly. You always encourage fair solutions and concentrate on what is being said. This makes you wonderful mediators. You analyze every situation with your little legal eagle brain and logical mind. With the help of that you organize all things well and eliminate irrelevant things.

You always commit cent percent to everything. You always want the best experience. You tend to create perfect ways all the time through your logical and rational thinking. You overthink in all situations and nitpick the best out of it. However, you also think of the people around you. You will do things or make decisions in a way that is beneficial for all.
by DEATHRINGER_007 November 23, 2021
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