2 definitions by Curry Marty

1. lacking any motivation whatsoever

2. Fucking lazy
Dude #1: Brooo did you finish that project for class?
Dude #2: Nahhhhh man fuck that I was too flazy for that shit.
by Curry Marty August 31, 2015
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A mental picture formation in a horny mans mind of lady parts.

v.- (Imangina-ing)
In the process of forming the mental picture of female no-no parts
Dude 1: Dude, you have some wood there.
Dude 2: Shit.
Dude 1: Dude... why?
Dude 2: I had an imangina
Dude 1: Ohhh I feel you man.
by Curry Marty July 18, 2013
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