5 definitions by Crudeoilinkstain

Broke-sick is a word practicing junkies use to describe their need for heroin, or money to purchace heroin..The act of being broke (defunct, without currency) while simultaneously being sick (going through heroin withdrawal)
Junkie #1 "Hey, you got any pitch, i need to do an arm load?" Junkie#2, "Naw, im Broke-sick, lets go hit a lick right quick, my "Arm Alarm"is goin'off too"
by Crudeoilinkstain February 16, 2016
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When a girl, usually a pasty faced white girl from Suburbia , is trying so hard to emulate that authentic "Gangsta bitch" Schwagger in her strut that she go's so far as to: Drinkin' Four Loco malt liquor outta brown paper bags, wearing sports gear for teams she doesn't even follow or have a clue as to which teams plays which sports even, getting a 'Mi vida loca' tattoo between her thumb and her index finger, rockin' wife beaters and Dickey gear button up's,and wearing tacky brown lip liner under cherry flavored lip gloss..This very same girl (yes, men do this too but we have a different word for that) is also the girl who shaves off her EYE-BROWS Only to later on change her mind, ( aprox 20 min later,btw)and then, for whatever reason, decides she now wants'em back on her face so she stencils them on with a Sharpe marker and has the nerve to think this shit actually looks good..I call these "Skybrows" because this girl embellishes and exaggerates her new look by going so Gawdy as to make herself look like a clown in a hacker flick...Her skybrows arch so high in the sky that they look like McDonalds arches on her forehead...
"Damn foo, tell yer boochie ta tone down her skybrows, how does she do her make up anyway, with a fuckin' paintball gun"
by Crudeoilinkstain February 15, 2016
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When a girl, usually a pasty faced white girl from Suburbia , is trying so hard to emulate that authentic "Gangsta bitch" Schwagger in her strut that she go's so far as to: Drinkin' Four Loco malt liquor outta brown paper bags, wearing sports gear for teams she doesn't even follow or have a clue as to which teams plays which sports even, getting a 'Mi vida loca' tattoo between her thumb and her index finger, rockin' wife beaters and Dickey gear button up's,and wearing tacky brown lip liner under cherry flavored lip gloss..This very same girl (yes, men do this too but we have a different word for that) is also the girl who shaves off her EYE-BROWS Only to later on change her mind, ( aprox 20 min later,btw)and then, for whatever reason, decides she now wants'em back on her face so she stencils them on with a Sharpe marker and has the nerve to think this shit actually looks good..I call these "Skybrows" because this girl embellishes and exaggerates her new look by going so Gawdy as to make herself look like a clown in a hacker flick...Her skybrows arch so high in the sky that they look like McDonalds arches on her forehead...
"Damn foo, tell yer boochie ta tone down her skybrows, how does she do her make up anyway, with a fuckin' paintball gun"
by Crudeoilinkstain February 15, 2016
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This is a word to describe that someone who's genes merge in the middle, an African American who struggles to fully identify with any particular ethnicity.
"She was a hot little halfrican, that Hally Barry .."
by Crudeoilinkstain February 15, 2016
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In my youth i would, from time to time, sneak a peek into my pops jak-mag Warchest to look at all the furry bushed, college Cheerleaders of the Pack 10 (Picture 80's cut vaginas and Neon color Fanny Packs, everybody )It was durring this period in my life when i got my first glimpse of a strippers butt hole, SO close and out of focus was the picture in fact that it Had to have been from the Cocks's POV. Now maybe it was the way they developed the film, OR maybe the girl who was ATTACHED to this pretty little butt-hole im tellin ya about had just done a THREE HOUR shoot sittin' on a block of ice in a meat locker prior to the one i was then lookin at, but for whatever reason this girls butt-hole was now, and FOREVER, my new favorite shade of puffy purple , bout the size of an American nickle ( Nickle Guage 😆) Hence i coined the phrase "Purple Nickle "
Beads of sweat glistened as they ran down the spoked channels of her hungry Purple Nickle like molten iron in a foundry. .
by Crudeoilinkstain February 15, 2016
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