2 definitions by CrazyLoop

Crazy Loop is the alter Ego name of Dan Balan, the creator of the 'Numa Numa song' in his new europop project. 'Crazy loop' also is the name of his first song as Crazy Loop.

'Crazy Loop' is said to be the follow up of the 'Numa Numa' song.

Crazy Loop is called Dan Balan in his daily life.
by CrazyLoop December 11, 2008
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Writer and composer of the "Numa numa song", also known as Dragostea din tei, and ex member and founder of the band O-zone. Dan now succesfully pursues a solo carreer under his own name and a europop project where he is named "Crazy Loop". He is the son of TV host Ludmilla Balan.
Dan Balan is the most famous man from Moldova.
by CrazyLoop December 11, 2008
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