11 definitions by Craig McLaughlin

An exclamation, typically of surprise, accompanied by a look you would expect when taking a fit bird home, only to discover she has a pair of hairy holes.

In politer terms may be stated as 'You're joking!'
Jimmy - "Awright Boaby, saw yer Maw up the toon the day"
Boaby - "Fair play to you - whit wis she doin?"
Jimmy - "Having her flange waxed"
Boaby - "Hairyholes!"

by Craig McLaughlin March 16, 2007
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Scottish term for a child molester. Stoat is a verb meaning to hit hard and the ba' refers to a ball. Literally thump a football (soccer for you N American eejits). A stoater is something great, especially a goal in football.

How this relates to child abuse I'm not sure but that's what they call it. Stoat the ba's may be in danger of getting chibbed up Bar-L following conviction.
Irate parent to shifty looking character loitering at a playground:

"See you ya cunt, you some kinda Stoat the ba'? Beat it or I'll kick yer heid in!"
by Craig McLaughlin March 17, 2007
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Undesirable young woman from Glasgow. Commonly (although not necessarily) from the schemes, usually fat and hacket with a perm. Can become worryingly attractive after the consumption of copious amounts of booze, with potentially alarming results.
Tam had a taste for adventure and knew the risks of landing a hairy in the sack during a night out in Paisley
by Craig McLaughlin March 25, 2007
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Something of outstanding merit. Normally used as a single word exclamation in Glasgow. (US equivalent may be 'Sweet!'). Similar to the terms stoater or dancer

Also may be used to describe a fine example of a mild misfortune, to placate the offended party.
Finding a fine shell on the beach at Largs wee Kenny showed it to Shug, who concurred it was a dullion.

Shug then punched wee Kenny in the face and stole the shell. When wee Kenny ran tae his Maw, she consoled him by saying:
"that wee shite Shug gave you a dullion of a black eye son"
by Craig McLaughlin March 17, 2007
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