4 definitions by Coop's Dad

The person who is harassing you.
Can you believe that harasshole? I'm trying to do a good thing and he just won't leave me alone!
by Coop's Dad April 24, 2008
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The residue that remains in your teeth during or after eating a meal. Often most pronounced when a piece of lettuce or spinach gets stuck in your teeth after consuming a salad.
Yo Dude, you've got some bugs on the windshield. You may want to get a toothpick or floss to clean up a bit before talking to anyone else.
by Coop's Dad August 23, 2007
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The food residue splattered on your shirt after a messy eating experience. Often heard as an accompaniment to "bugs on the windshield."
Wow, nice job eating, dude. Not only do you have bugs on the windshield but you've got turds on the hood too!
by Coop's Dad August 23, 2007
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