1 definition by Combat Wombat13124

Combat Arms: Really great free FPS, or really bad hacker community? Let's delve today.

Some of the strong points of Combat Arms (C.A.) is how there's just so MUCH of it, and it constantly gets ALOT more stuff added to it everyday. There's literally hundreds of guns, dozens of modifications and around 80 ranks to achieve *The highest rank so far achieved is by greatfullded, who is about rank 50). The player base used to be really fun, with multiple game modes and plenty of maps.

For all of you TL;DR, Here's the games modes and maps:

Game Modes: Elimination, Elimination Pro, Quarantine Mode, Fireteam, One Man Army, Capture the Flag, Spy Hunt, Last Man Standing, Search & Destroy, Snowball Fight and Bombing run. 11 in total.

Maps: Kill Creek, Overdose, Death Room, Junk Flea, Short Fuse, Two Towers, Grave Digger, Cabin Fever, Snow Valley, Waverider, Showdown, Gray Hammer, Brushwood, Sand Hog, Warhead, Desert Thunder, Power Surge, Roadkill, Pump Jack, Cold Seed, Rattlesnake. 21 in total.

New maps and gaming modes are still being created, so if you're into this kind of thing, try Combat Arms. It's really great, with new maps, weapons, items, accessories, gear and bonuses unlocking when you reach higher ranks.
Combat Arms Typical Day
Player: Woot! Unbelievable++ and four headshots, I'm on a roll!

Noobs: OMG! chams! hacker! cheater! he speedhacks! flies! ghosting! omgomg kick him!

Elite Mod: *Gets headshotted* "HACKER!"

Player: Wait, what! No, hold on -

Player Kicked
by Combat Wombat13124 June 29, 2010
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