4 definitions by Clitdonkey the XVII

When a cat or dog shakes its head so vigorously that its ears make a slapping sound against the sides of its head.
"I pet your cat so hard that it did a big flobble"
by Clitdonkey the XVII April 21, 2020
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A colloquial word spawning from the North Island of New Zealand, Clitdonkey (Clyt-Dön-Kee), noun, is used to describe a person of dubious or erratic nature.
"Geezus man, you are such a clitdonkey."
by Clitdonkey the XVII July 27, 2005
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A person who associates with munters in a positive way. Such people are often pulled into the munters munting, thus they themselves become munters in the process.
Jake was seen hanging out with Tom and Bob, the town munters - therefore he must be a Muntwrangler.
by Clitdonkey the XVII April 10, 2007
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Generally a small sexually submissive person that is also quite retarded in nature.
My girlfriend is a bitchtard when shes tired and annoyed.
by Clitdonkey the XVII April 10, 2007
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