5 definitions by Citz

A person who has the ability to use hax without getting banned
How did u kill me with that railgun from that distance ? You must be a Citz !
by Citz August 29, 2003
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basically and internet troll who thinks hes funny.
has generally no idea what the topic is about but add loads of irrelevant graphs and long winded posts in an attempt to disrupt the conversation
"we where discussing football but then some kemedian threw in loads of graphs about rugby tackles"
by Citz July 8, 2015
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The final resting place and afterlife for all electrical, mechanical, digital and bio-mechanical beings. Once they have done their duty of serving mankind, once they pass on, they live blissfully and peacefully for eternity in Silicon Heaven.
No Silicon Heaven? Then where do all the calculators go?
by Citz January 1, 2004
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The eternal punishment for all electrical and mechanical objects who disobey their programming/purpose. Objects who keep to their programming and purpose are rewarded by eternal rest in Silicon Heaven.
by Citz January 1, 2004
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making a total mess of something due to your inability to realise you simply cant do it.

an effect that is exactly the same as the Dunning Kruger effect except the sufferer refuses to accept their illness.
(the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is.)
ive explained to laura a dozen times she only thinks she is capable of doing these tasks due to the dunning kruger effect but she carried on making a mess of everything simply due to the strimmer effect.
by Citz November 25, 2017
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