2 definitions by Chrissstopher

when a person ignores the fact that the man they are dating is an asshole/abusive/worthless because they just want to be in a relationship or just want the sex. its the converse of the term pussy-whipped.
"see, a woman who's dickmatized says shit like 'oh, no no, he don't be hitting me, i just be walking into the punches and shit.' now thats dickmatized" -- Sommore
by Chrissstopher September 22, 2005
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An imaginary number, signifying something innumerable or a number that is too large to count. Often used as hyperbole, or an extreme exaggeration.

Syn: countless, infinite, myriad
I asked her out like fiftyeleven times and she says no every time.
by Chrissstopher February 4, 2005
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