5 definitions by Chipotle needs a drive thru

An adorable breed of sporting dog from Newfoundland, Canada. Named Labrador on account of there already being a dog breed called Newfoundland. Extremely friendly and easily excited, Labradors are excellent family dogs, but can be extremely hyperactive and obnoxious in their younger days.
My Yellow lab is so adorable and friendly to everybody.
by Chipotle needs a drive thru August 13, 2016
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Scantily clad, often drunk women who hang around piers waiting for men to pick them up. Usually associated with white trash. Most commonly found in New Jersey and southern states with coastlines and piers.
Dude, I'm totally going to go pick up some pier sluts tonight.
by Chipotle needs a drive thru August 14, 2016
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An exclamation of anger, often combined with surprise or disbelief. A derivative of the saying "bet", said when excited or in disbelief of something good happening. Adding wow before it changes the tone to anger.
"I just shit on your floor, dude."
"Wow bet dude"

"I'm breaking up with you"
"Wow fucking bet"
by Chipotle needs a drive thru August 15, 2016
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