2 definitions by ChanningWeldon

1. When you want to break up with someone, but they won't get the hint, so you start doing/saying things they don't like to make them break up with you.
2. Making your significant other hate you on purpose.
3. When your significant other can't handle being broken up with so you have to make them think it's their idea.
Julie wanted out of the relationship and Derek wasn't getting the hint so she decided to shake him on having children.
by ChanningWeldon March 9, 2019
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1. When you want to break up with someone who won't get the hint so you do things that would make them want to break up with you.
Anna's boyfriend Todd wasn't getting the hint, so she rerouted him and told him she wanted to have 5 kids. Todd broke up with her immediately.
by ChanningWeldon March 9, 2019
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