2 definitions by CatherineCurran

A simplistic answer for making someone feel better after they have finnished doing or saying something that has no importance to yourself.
Jane:Hey, I just checked and deleted about 1,000 emails I had in my inbox today.
Bob:Oh yeah? Good one.
by CatherineCurran May 15, 2006
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1)An adj. given to someone who exspresses their awkwardness through words.

2)Used to describe a person who can not control his random thoughts from exploding, which get them into trouble.
Talking to a new crush:
I really think you are cool and think about you all the time. I actually think about you 24/7 and what our children will look like even their names.

Yeah thats pretty impressive, but you have the worst case of verbal diarrhea I have seen in awhile and scare me so I would rather not.
by CatherineCurran May 15, 2006
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