1 definition by Casey MF'n Druham

v, to be frequently angry in situations that don't call for it, or to be angrier than the recommended amount in a given situation.
Situation 1

Man A: "Hey bro, we're out of frosted flakes... Just though you should know"

Man B: "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!??? * topples the refridgerator, breaks all of the bowls, bends the spoons rendereing them unusable, and soccer kicks his girlfriend in the cooter*

Situation 2

Man A: Hey boyo, Steve signed the guestbook...

Man B: *goes outside, gets in his car, and rams Steve's car repeatedly, and then shits on the hood of said car* "That'll teach him to not clean up after himself...

Man A: Wow, he just went all Gary Busey, and annihilated Steve's car... WTF, that guy needs therapy...
by Casey MF'n Druham May 12, 2011
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