2 definitions by Cartoony

The file format that is used on Audio CD's. It can only be created by software like Windows Media Player, iTunes, etc. and then can be read by Stereos, Compact Disc Players, or even other computers.
I like Track07.cda because that song is my favorite! I practically listen to it in my car on my way to and from school!
by Cartoony September 8, 2007
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One way to insult someone is by telling something false of their mother, as a form of negative comment.
Hey, that kid who was older than me, said some mean things about my mamma because I had $50 and he had $10. He said "Yo Mamma is so ugly, when she looked out the window, she got arrested for moaning.". What should I do? I didn't do a thing wrong!
by Cartoony September 8, 2007
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