3 definitions by Captain Tenneal

Captain Tenneal:
"How many of you think that MXC is just a stupid waste of time just for drunk people in some third world country to laugh at? Show of Hands now!"

( Hex Ten, Moses, Anonymous raises hands)
"Well your wrong! MXC is the best show and its for everyone you stupid bumper-headed baboons (you suck) LETS GO!!
Bumper-headed baboon --- People who dont get it. Not to call any names or anything but thier initials are Hex ten, Moses and anonymous!!!
by Captain Tenneal January 11, 2004
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One who would rather hold up an entire group in order to take a picture of a flower.
When the slowest member of a group finally catches up you can ask him...Did you break another crank, or are you just being a lodij?
by Captain Tenneal December 23, 2003
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word meaning "someone normal" or "not in special ed" used as an insult to normal students by the special ed kids.
"Look at that mench" (followed by a scoff)
by Captain Tenneal February 13, 2005
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