2 definitions by CPU Killer

A verb used to describe someone doing something annoying for the sake of being annoying, it also implies that ther person doing the chigging is a homosexual. Often pronounced or spelled as Chiggin'
Quit chigging around.

Stop chigging, <Person>
by CPU Killer November 3, 2006
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1) A person possessing reading and writing skills that remain acceptable by the standards of the English language.
2) A member belonging to the nearly unknown society of persons able to string a sentence together without the addition of such terms including ur, hott, omg, lolz, wft, and so forth...
Literate: Did you see that girl knock out the math teacher?

Non-Literate: omg did u see tha mofo slung that fag in his fuckin ballz??

(Grammar error fixed by CPU Killer)
by CPU Killer February 1, 2005
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