2 definitions by CD_Name

He got the bolles! He is the true bollemann with Sanins mor, the famous minecraft youtuber.
Sanin also owns sanins jeans, the real jeans, only sanin got the best sanins jeans.

If you ever see Sanin on the streets, you will turn into "de bolles".
Jean: Omg, is that san-
Sanin: You are my jeans now
by CD_Name November 20, 2020
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An illegal drug made for 12 year olds that thinks that earth is flat. 90% of kids that play Fortnite have autism and supports T-series.
Most of the kids that plays Fortnite has stolen their mothers credit card at least one time to buy v-bucks
Hey Jimmy, lets play some fortnite, my mom said i can get v-bucks today!!!11!1!!!!!!1!111111!1!!!1!1
by CD_Name December 13, 2018
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