1 definition by Bubby the Tour Guide

Y'all wanna know what harlequin fetus is? Google-image it. Actually, don't. Seriously don't. Just as chicken put it, the most horrifying image of a disease anybody has ever seen. The fucking thing scared the shit out of me for months after i saw it. The diesease was first observed in South Carolina by Reverend Oliver Hart.

"On Thursday, April ye 5, 1750, I went to see a most deplorable object of a child, born the night before of one Mary Evans in "Chas"town. It was surprising to all who beheld it, and I scarcely know how to describe it. The skin was dry and hard and seemed to be cracked in many places, somewhat resembling the scales of a fish. The mouth was large and round and open. It had no external nose, but two holes where the nose should have been. The eyes appeared to be lumps of coagulated blood, turned out, about the bigness of a plum, ghastly to behold. It had no external ears, but holes where the ears should be. The hands and feet appeared to be swollen, were cramped up and felt quite hard.
The back part of the head was much open. It made a strange kind of noise, very low, which I cannot describe. It lived about forty-eight hours and was alive when I saw it."
Sucks for anyone who sees it.
by Bubby the Tour Guide January 17, 2004
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