2 definitions by Broskiiiiiiiiiiiii

What moms look up because their 6th grade son said they have it.
*sixth grade son* "mom I have ligma"
*Mom* "what's ligma?"
*sixth grade son*"liGmA BaLlS"
by Broskiiiiiiiiiiiii December 16, 2018
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The nicest, but rudest person ever. He's both at the same time. He will make you feel so amazing and special but when someone wrongs him they better watch out! A Russell will always care about you if your lucky enough to be his girlfriend that is! He'll show that he likes you but he'll be nervous to ask you out, so you may want to do it yourself. A Russell has such nice hair too and the prettiest eyes you'll ever see. He'll always try to make you laugh and tell you you're wrong when you put yourself down.
Girl one: Today I was freezing cold in 5th hour and Russell gave me his sweatshirt to wear!!

Girl two: *annoyingly singing* YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT!!
by Broskiiiiiiiiiiiii September 22, 2018
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