2 definitions by Bronie

A game where one person is 'it', and someone yells "Stacks ON!" and everyone playing tackles or jumps onto that person.

Word of warning, it is very easy to injure yourself, or other people playing :)
Person one: Im bored. I'm going for a walk
Person two: STACKS ON!!!!!!
Person one: Oh no..
by Bronie December 7, 2005
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Dino makes exceptional pizza, pasta and quiche. Also tirimisu and panacotta. He is very tall, rides a bike and loves Marguerite. He thinks he's got when he grows a moustache but he is mistaken. He's all about open-mindedness, excepting vegan food, world peace, which he's still thinking about, and snorkelling. He has a very cool sister and his favourite film is La Dolce Vita. Everyone should be friends with a Dino. His favourite friends are called Pete.
Friend 1: Have you heard about that new guy Dino? He's so cool!

Friend 2: You'll have to introduce me! I would love to meet a Dino!

Friend 1: You know Dino? He makes such good quiche, you should really try it!

Friend 2: I love quiche I need to meet a Dino then!
by Bronie February 25, 2018
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