4 definitions by Brody K.

Someone who immediately puts some obscure indie band on their iPod after it was featured on some show (The O.C., Scrubs etc.) and try to act like they are cool and knew who they were all along.
After Eels was on The O.C. everyone become indie posers and downloaded their album.
by Brody K. January 27, 2007
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Upcoming 2007 "comedy" film that puts my faith in humor very low.
by Brody K. January 10, 2007
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A situation comedy that revolves around a continuing storyline. Example include "Arrested Development" and "My Name is Earl."
"Did you see "The Life of Steve" last night?"
"No, I don't watch it."
"Would I understand it if I started watching?"
"Doubt it, it's a soap-com."
by Brody K. December 20, 2006
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To confuse or taunt someone so much, they go crazy
"Where are the keys?"
"The keys are where they were when they weren't where there were last Wenesday."
"Dude, you're Jigsaw-ing me!"
by Brody K. December 17, 2006
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