4 definitions by BringerofDawn

N. Plurlal (bee-pull)
A Bear-Human offspring, plural form of the word Berson

Beople are often found in forests, where they are spawned, and are as dumb as bears, but capeable of thought and language like humans.

Beople are almost extinct due to Sweedish Bear Traps.
"Hey! Look! Beople are comming from the woods!"
"Did you get the Sweedish Bear Traps Set?"
"Yup, We wont have to worry about a single Berson getting through"
by BringerofDawn April 17, 2008
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"I'm really having a Mike's Hard Morning right now... though that party was killer"
by BringerofDawn May 25, 2008
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An abbreviation for Jizz In The Eye(or Ear) referring to an improperly spawned human, or a cumshot.
"Man, Kevin is such a JITE baby, His parents didn't know what they were doing when they made him"

"How was the BJ"
"It was alright, but at the end, she took a huge amout of JITE, my bad."
by BringerofDawn May 25, 2008
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N. Sing (bee-pull)
A Bear-Human offspring, singular form of the word beople

Beople are often found in forests, where they are spawned, and are as dumb as bears, but capeable of thought and language like humans

Beople are almost extinct due to Sweedish Bear Traps.
"Hey! Look! Beople are comming from the woods!"
"Did you get the Sweedish Bear Traps Set?"
"Yup, We wont have to worry about a single Berson getting through"
by BringerofDawn April 18, 2008
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