24 definitions by Brian Smith

that little creture that lives in your washing machine that steals all your socks and underwear.
the laundry noam stole all of my socks!
by Brian Smith November 9, 2004
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1. one who resembles a penis, testes or scotum.

2. one who ejaculates in his pants.
stay away cockazoid!
by Brian Smith November 8, 2004
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A suburb of Dallas, it breifly flashed into national news-worthiness when blacktop heroin found its way there in the late 90's, leading to a slew of deaths. It can be divided into 2 regions

A. West: The newer part, it also has a higher per capita income(on the order of $100,000-$120,000). Its schools are still a hotbed of drug activity due to the high preponderance of bored, rich kids, but heroin has fallen out of favor.

B. East: Considered by most Plano-ites, to be the "ghetto" section of Plano, the vast majority is still upper-middle class. It however lacks the number of shopping malls/ multiplexes/ etc. that have arose in the west side during the building boom that hit the DFW area in the 90's.
In Plano there are two types of students; bored, rich junkies and GPA-whoring asians
by Brian Smith March 15, 2005
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