3 definitions by Brian McKeever

An Ardee term said to somebody who is talkin shite! As in, Aye Right you be sir!! Used incessantly by teenage De La Salle scum such as Scurty Halpenny.
In reply to being told that your friend has just come back from Johnny Martins with a sack load of shoes... Aye Vight! aye vight! I know you are, but wha am aye?
by Brian McKeever August 14, 2006
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Wha' were you doin earlier heigh Patsy?
Ah y'know... a spo ha tippin...
by Brian McKeever August 18, 2006
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Ardee vernacular meaning a large quantity of
Can I have a locka dem there Spanish Onions, you can hould one in your hand and ate it like an apple...

I went down the Tynatty's for a locka pints heigh!
by Brian McKeever August 18, 2006
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