2 definitions by Brent Heigold

The state of being known as "Tango" comes from Ted Nugent's 1981 video for his song "Wango Tango".

There is a specific personality type that goes along with how Ted Nugent was in the video, which is "rough, tough, and cheesy".

So that's what Tango means: "Rough, tough, and cheesy".

If you're a cheeseball, and you are rough around the edges, guess what? You're tango!!!!!!!!

Tango is a disposition, like happy or sad.

You can be happy, moody, eccentric, clairvoyant , etc... and you can also be tango.

You know? Rough and cheesy.

Cheesy and sleazy.

You can't just say "we had so much fun last night, it was so tango".

But you *CAN* say "everyone there had a moustache, it was so tango".

You'll find a lot of tango people at monster truck rallies, Kid Rock concerts, or WWF events.
* Saying "Give 'er" is tango.

* Putting the pedal to the metal is tango.

* If you have a moustache, you are DEFINITELY tango.

* Chuck Norris is tango (rough, tough, and cheesy).

* If you refer to cowboy boots as "shitkickers", guess what? You're TANGO.

* Apehanger motorcycle handlebars are tango.

* Threatening someone with a shotgun is tango.

* Tucking your tight jeans into your hightop shoes such that the tounge sticks out, is tango.

* Anyone with a mullet is tango.

* Saying to someone, "YOU BETTER BREAK BREAD OR PLAY DEAD" is tango.

* Overly beefed-up car alarm systems (like the kind where you walk within 5 feet of the car and a sound goes off) are tango.

* Brass balls hanging from the back of an oversized pick-up truck are tango.

* Aviator sunglasses are tango.

* Being identified by the police by your tattoos is tango.

* Easyriders magazine is T-A-N-G-O.

* Putting a "Thin Lizzy" sticker on the back of your truck is tango.

* If you work for Ray's Welding (Where performance IS the product), you're tango.

* Giving the middle finger, and holding a cigarette in the same hand, is tango.

* Having to get a pardon so you can travel is tango.

* Pulling a tank into someone's driveway, sticking your head out and saying "You wanna put your money where your mouth is?" is tango.

* Saying "I have to piss like a race horse" is tango.

* Doing donuts in the parking lot after a concert is tango.

* Cutoff sweatpants are tango.

* Speeding on a motorcycle without a helmet is tango.

* "Magic Man" by Heart is T-A-N-G-O.

* Locking your beer up in a safe before you have a party is tango.

* If your name is Lenny and you live in a trailer, you're TANGO.

* Saying "this tastes like shit" is tango.
by Brent Heigold August 10, 2009
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The process of making people more farmer-like in the way they live their lives, producing more farmers.

Influencing people to take up an interest in farming.

Farmification usually happens by just getting out there and spreading the word on how cool farming is.
I believe in the farmification of society. One by one, a nation of farmers is in the works.
by Brent Heigold June 24, 2009
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