14 definitions by Boogy woogy

On June 3rd people all over the globe should appreciate rats. If you see a rat you should bow down to its glory.
Omg wait, it's 3rd of June! International Rat-appreciation Day !!!
by Boogy woogy November 14, 2019
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On June 3rd people all over the globe should appreciate rats. If you see a rat you should bow down to its glory.
Omg wait, it's 3rd of June! International Rat-appreciation Day !!!
by Boogy woogy November 14, 2019
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kirkawongs are danish people who are really swag and are good at reading lips.
Kirkawong: pUt DoWn My WaTeR bOtTlE!!
by Boogy woogy November 13, 2019
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A sick kid with a big forehead, nice enough i guess.
What about madz's dogs, fluffer and farter!?
by Boogy woogy November 13, 2019
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Person 1: dude are you learning about Roticery Chicken in geology?

Person 2: yeah you bfb.
by Boogy woogy November 13, 2019
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Person 1: dude are you learning about Roticery Chicken in geology?

Person 2: yeah you bfb.
by Boogy woogy November 13, 2019
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