3 definitions by BobtheByilder1234

A 12 year old kid who is funny at first, but ends up being a dick to everyone.
Person 1: “Jehad that is funny”
Jehad: “ I have another joke, look”
Jehad: “punch me, pls”
Person 1: *punches*
Jehad: *moans*
Person 1: 😨
by BobtheByilder1234 November 29, 2021
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An Egyptian Kid who’s haircut looks like a Croissant
Person 1: “Are you gonna finish that Mark?” (meaning: Croissant )
Mark Micheal: *teleports behind you*
Mark Micheal: “I HEARD MY NAME!!”
by BobtheByilder1234 December 6, 2021
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A Brown hair with blonde streaks who is a simp to women and brags that he is ‘rich’ (even though he is probably broke)
Mousa: “I hAvE a NeW eXpEnSiVe CaR”
Person 1: “I saw you living in the streets and looking at women’s bunda (ass)
by BobtheByilder1234 December 6, 2021
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