2 definitions by Bobby "Free" McGee

Stealing ideas and/or products to create something of lesser value. To take credit for something that is not their own. To slightly alter an existing idea and product for personal benefit. Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to cmake a quick buck and turn a few heads.
Skateboards built by someone who cannot skate. To base all designs off of other existing products and people's creations. Quality is not considered.
by Bobby "Free" McGee June 4, 2005
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Poser, Cannot Skateboard, Rip Off, Thinks he or she knows, but has no idea, Living through an image, not a lifestyle, Faker, Clueless, Do what is cool at the time, No original thought, Follower
Someone who takes another person's idea and credit's only themself. For Example: A person who shapes surfboards but does not surf. Same goes with skateboards.
by Bobby "Free" McGee June 3, 2005
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