4 definitions by Bob Sanders

When you try to squeeze out a fart with great force but you end up shating yourself, usually catastrophically.

Dude, I had gas last night after dinner with Ashley and I ended up poo poo farting on my way home in the car, The dry cleaners had a hard time cleaning that shit.
by Bob Sanders July 24, 2014
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a sexual act where one man cums in another man's nose, then the other man snorts up the cum like a loogie and spits it in the other man's face
by Bob Sanders March 8, 2004
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When someone makes up a word in lieu of another word.
hey, where is that thingymajig

Quit being so salaratopitis
by Bob Sanders December 10, 2013
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Rubbing a girls butthole while fucking her doggy style.
I'm about to put the timsimon on her.
This is the third week I timsimoned a hoe.
I heard this one kid in school say he was timsimoning a hoe for 3hours.
by Bob Sanders July 22, 2013
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