2 definitions by Blæddboy

A new Norwegian way to tell how shitty you feel right now, a easy word to say when you feel like a stranded deep-sea fish.
Damn.... i drank way to much yesterday, i feel so blædd right now. Seriously, please kill me.....
by Blæddboy November 27, 2020
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This is what you can call all your voices in your head when youre fucked up on LSD or Shrooms. The voice in my head is constantly trying to come with a word that kinda sounds like: Sparadox, Sparacopter etc etc.
Damn, i am so fucke..... Spara... sparacopter.... sparadox.... sparadoxer... sparadax!! Wuuuuahahahsifkdnnd
by Blæddboy November 29, 2020
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