2 definitions by BillyKaren

Rule by dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical, rather than theoretical, considerations. Paired with Polinomics, this is a modern and future-looking political and economical form of governing.
Democracy is no longer a modern form of government, it's time the world turned towards Pragmatocracy and a committee rules based on practicality!
by BillyKaren March 5, 2022
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Polinomic (synonym Ecolitical) – A economic system where a constitution, intended for use by at least several generations of citizens, must be able to adjust itself for pragmatic economic decisions and to balance interests of the state and society against those of individuals and their constitutional rights to personal freedom and private happiness.
Pragmatocracy paired with Polinomics is a modern and future-looking political and economical form of governing.
by BillyKaren March 5, 2022
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