3 definitions by BigTyrone80

when you get a semi or a full on boner at the wrong time

Theme: A Couple sat on a bench

Person1 says: hey let's go for a walk
Person2 says: Oh crap, hold up
Person1 says: whats up?
Person2 says: My ABS just kicked in
by BigTyrone80 July 22, 2020
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A condition in the family of 'lookup' "Awkward Boner Situation (ABS)"

mainly applies to those who suffer from body aches, pains, knotts and trapped nerves

When a trapped nerve is releived a sudden blood rush leading to an erection
Person1: I have a pain in my shoulder
Person2: stretch it off and let's go for a walk
Person1: oh crap, can't go right now
Person2: why not?
Person1: ABS, I just released a trapped nerve boner
by BigTyrone80 July 22, 2020
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