4 definitions by Big Block

The state or condition of being a complete and utter failure while remaining inexplicably arrogant. Often associated with low intelligence, inbreeding, and closet homosexuality. Symptoms include: loathsome envy of one's rival, an incessant need to brag about the accomplishments of others, extreme insecurity, and a general sense of success despite consistent and unrelenting failure.
Since entering the NFL draft, Johnny Manziel has suffered from a severe case of gamecockitis.
by Big Block September 12, 2017
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Describes liquids that create the infamous "wet spot" after a round of banging.
Synonym - screwage
"Throw a towel over that fuckle and let's get some shut-eye!"
by Big Block May 12, 2004
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Describes the liquid products that make up the "wet spot" after doing the horizontal mambo.
Synonym - fuckle
"You don't mind sleeping in the screwage, do you?"
by Big Block May 12, 2004
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