12 definitions by Biatch

an insult to call someone a cunt
Yo, look at dat cunter!
by Biatch November 13, 2003
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A local from Tasmania. Six fingers, two heads, etc.
"Holy cow, Bob. Check out that Taswegian! What a freak!
by Biatch November 1, 2004
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Favoured pastime with those who are predisposed towards making intimate contact with sluts. Involves sexual intercourse with females of loose morality.
Tally-ho old chaps! Lovely night for a spot of slut cunting, don't you think? Jolly good then, let's make haste, shall we?
by Biatch March 24, 2004
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In a video game when a noob just throws grenades like crazy making a huge path of destruction. ONLY USE IN EXTREME CASES OF NOOBOSITY
Holy shit, i got pwned by that fucking grenoob.
by Biatch December 11, 2004
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