17 definitions by Benjamin

1. adj. Pertaining to a flagrant homosexual action.

2. noun. A sauce made by a person that is homosexual.
"Dammit Jeff! Keep your eyes on your own urinal. You're being hella gaysauce."

Elton John garnished his spaghetti with a touch of gaysauce made from his Grandmother's old recipe.
by Benjamin February 27, 2005
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non-shaving non-male dipod
by Benjamin August 2, 2003
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1) Of, relating to, resembling, or affected by scurvy

2) The online pseudonym of the guy who does many things online. Creator of Jennifer's Quest, DeBUG Inc, DiWF, to name a few things. He's well-known for doing BKS, and is also linked to the online games "Get Tiffany" and "Habbo Hotel".
1) "They counteracted the fatal consequences of scurvy and particularly of blood loss through the scorbutic vascular wall"

2) "Scorbutic is a great guy, I wonder what he'll do next"
by Benjamin May 24, 2004
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