2 definitions by Batteredsav

Another term for the kidneys. As some people sample urine like fine wine, a haematuria is a fine roset, a dehydrated urine is a strong Pinot noir and a diabetics urine is a moscato. So as the kidneys produce urine, they are the equivalent to the grape stomping stage in making wine.
Damn Susie my grape stompers have been hurting lately, I might have a UTI.


Get him Frank, shiv him in his grape stomper.
by Batteredsav October 13, 2018
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It is the tastiest, most tender and most sought after morsel of chicken meat known to mankind.
Hey babe, do you want the pearl of the chicken? Jks it's the best bit I'll eat it.
by Batteredsav December 8, 2017
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