2 definitions by Bashatron

When you give your penis a rapid clean by scraping the around the top of it ..
Usually with a thumbnail prior to letting a person who isn't your partner go down on you.
A cursory courtesy clean of ones private parts.
"Yeah...I let that damos girlfriend go down on me"...."sod it I only gave it a rimskim because I couldn't be botheredto to crack out the soap"
by Bashatron August 20, 2020
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A manboy that is always sat on the doorstep of his bedsit avoiding the loan man and active employment.

Can often be heard shouting very loudly at his girlfriend and her baby.
Enjoys drinking beer from cans
Will never have a driving licence

Really likes using the word "mush"
"Alright mush this quad bike is lush"
" fuck off mate you don't own anything"...."stop being such a damo"
by Bashatron August 20, 2020
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