3 definitions by Bamchug
"Spittin' chiclets" takes place when either yourself or somebody gets hit so hard, they have their teeth knocked out.
by Bamchug April 14, 2009
A phrase reserved for pool players, it essentially means a player is able to get out (pocket all his balls) most or all of the time. Following this, you turn over all of your cash to him.
by Bamchug April 26, 2009
A godforsaken suburb of Kingston, Oklahoma which in and of itself barely qualifies as a town. Those from Enos are commonly referred to as an "Enos Penis".
Guy #1 "I'm from Enos. Know where that is?"
Guy #2 "No."
Guy #1 "It's just outside of Kingston. Know where that is?"
Guy #2 "No."
Guy #1 "It's in Southern Oklahoma. Know where that is?"
Guy #2 "No."
Guy #2 "No."
Guy #1 "It's just outside of Kingston. Know where that is?"
Guy #2 "No."
Guy #1 "It's in Southern Oklahoma. Know where that is?"
Guy #2 "No."
by Bamchug April 26, 2009