2 definitions by Baddie2020

Normally a brunette, sometimes underestimates herself but has strong confidence. Many often envy her bc everything falls in place naturally for her. Destined for success and a great leader with big dreams and aspirations. That type of girl that can keep a great balance in her life that often many try to find . Treats everyone’s problems like her own and puts everyone before her. She has a great style and can be very sassy . If you make alison mad you better run because this girl knows how to play her cards. She can be feisty but underneath everything she’s a sweetheart, even though she would probably smashed everything around the house out of anger. She has high standards and doesn’t put up with fakes or lies because she lives by ‘ kill them with kindness’’. She doesn’t care what people think about her because she doesn’t have the time because she’s too busy working towards her goals and being loved by true friends. She has good character judgement and often sees through people , often finding her intimidating. When she’s at her best she’s fearless and fun. Your secrets remain safe with her because she’s loyal even though she’s had her trust broken many times. If you have an Alison in your life consider yourself lucky!
Alison is always having fun
by Baddie2020 November 22, 2021
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A caring mother. Usually a Scorpio. Such a wise souls yet feisty. She will put anyone above her. Has really big aspirations in life and never give up. Very determined woman.
Suldery is a very brave soul
by Baddie2020 June 24, 2020
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