5 definitions by Bæn

A coin that the video game character named Knuckles sells to people. It was made to scam his friend, Shadow. It is also a crypto currency that hides all of your items. By the way, if you're planning to buy a knux coin from Knuckles, make sure you have a conversation about this guy named Pudding.
The only reason I made this is because my brother likes knux coin.
by Bæn October 20, 2020
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Conor is a bean. He's also really gay. He's usually shipped with Dutch and not many people know about him. He can be seen in Slendytubbies What Comes After episode 2.
I love Conor. He's such a bean <3
by Bæn October 21, 2020
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Bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn.
"Bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn bæn. "
by Bæn October 30, 2020
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A character from the video game Slendytubbies 3. He also shows up in Slendytubbies Apocalypse DLC and Slendytubbies What Comes After. He's sometimes a dick but he can also be very nice. He's usually only nice to Anne, though.
Sgt Miles is a dick. He slapped me just because I was hallucinating.
by Bæn October 20, 2020
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