1 definition by B the B

A distasteful person who encounters someone having a problem and actively discredits the trouble by stating that it works fine for them.

In online discussions, fineholes will seek out other fineholes to dogpile any legitimate complaint. Fineholes will often well actually while explaining how they have seen no problems.
Jill: I'm returning my VR headset, it was just too buggy.
Bob: Mine works fine.
Jill: Go away, finehole

Terry: Did you hear about that massive bug in the new Tesla cars?
Bob: Mine drives perfectly. It's just a bunch of dumb owners.
Terry: There's literally a news article, and they admitted to ...
Bob: Well, actually ...
Terry: OK, neckbeard finehole. You're blocked.
by B the B January 13, 2020
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